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BM dans le monde est présente dans tous les pays qui pratiquent le travail de la pierre et dans les salons principaux de ce secteur.
MARMOMACC 2016 – Verona Fiere
MARMOMACC 2016 introduction of the new KODIAK EVOLUTION 5!
New open frame gang saw 40 blades BM
New open frame gang saw 40 blades BM 2016 edition, working at "Segura S.L.U" - Spain
Special edition customized for Big Graniti - Rivoli Veronese - Verona. Multifilo BM KODIAK EVOLUTION 80 - Special Edition: "BIG EDITION" - Full optional & customazed - 4.0 app. for tablet - ø 5,3 mm
New Kodiak 15/18 Evolution
New BM Multiwire Machine The multiwire machine of BM, the KODIAK EVOLUTION, is suitable for cutting granite blocks into slabs of various thickness.
New Video on You Tube
New multiwire BM Kodiak EVOLUTION working at F.lli Scala Marmi S.R.L.
New customize gang-saw BM
New customize open frame structure gang-saws installed in Greece at Pavlidis, test completed. Soon more other machines BM!
New single-blade machines BM S/800
New single-blade machines BM S/800 at ZE.I.CO.MAR. (BT) taking the place of the previous models 420 mm...
New 80 blades BM machines ready!
New 80 blades machines ready at: "THE SKY FOR INVESTMENT LLC" Oman.
International Marble CO. LLC
New plant BM exported to Oman. Our new customer has chosen a safe investment for the future by pointing directly to our quality and reliability.
Germany choose BM
"FRANKENSCHOTTER GMBH & CO.KG " is a very important in the German and European market, which performs sawing , polishing and processing of marble blocks generally . This company has chosen to invest in collaboration with the WB LTD installing a new line of multi-blade...